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What is the customer experience and how to improve it?

After the emergence of trade, a relationship between sellers and customers began, and to this day, these relationships have revealed the customer experience within the framework of multiple different topics. Nowadays, if you are a brand owner or want to sell any service or service, you cannot ignore customer experience because customer experience is at the forefront of marketing Customer experience is the impression that customers get about the brand throughout their buying journey. In other words, customer experience is the set of interactions and experiences from the moment the customer comes into contact with the business until they become a loyal customer.

Customer experience consists of 3 dimensions.

1.Pre-experience: The customer conducts research for the product in which it is needed. Examines shared experiences with the company they find. Companies step in at this step.

2.During the experience: The customer interacts with the company in this step. Since the service takes place during this phase, the company must complete this phase completely and quickly. If this step is completed successfully, it completes a large part of the customer experience.

3.After experience: The customer leaves the company. But the customer experience is not over. The customer shares his experience with the people around him. Positive experiences are shared with 4 or 5 people. Negative experiences are shared with 9-12 people. This experience spreads from ear to ear.

Customer experience influences the creation of your brand perception and the elements related to your bottom line. For example, when the customer buys a bad product from you, he will face a negative experience and create a perception of low quality towards the company. In this case, the importance of customer satisfaction comes into play. Companies should shape the expectations and needs of the customer for their wishes. The rules are set by customers, not firms.

What needs to be done to improve the customer experience;

1.Pay attention to social media: The importance of social media is increasing today. Customers from various platforms can be promoted and served. In addition, personalized emails are extremely helpful in keeping customers informed.

2.Give importance to employees' opinions and train them for a more effective service: Employees are the ones who deal directly with customers. Therefore, the moods, expectations and wishes of the customers are observed by the employees. To get high productivity, managers must value employees. Various trainings should be given according to their abilities.

3.Delight your customer and provide a superior service: Companies can achieve more efficient sales and a loyal customer because they are customer-oriented. Another way to get the customer is to give the customer rewards. Coupon discounts, loyalty points can be sent via email. As a result of the shopping, various gifts can be sent to the customer and a thank you note can be sent.

The fact that customers gain a positive experience from their shopping affects the reliability of the company, the perception of high quality, the perception of the brand, and the high efficiency of other customers and sales. Therefore, companies try to provide a good experience to the customer by using customer-oriented strategies.

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