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Customer experience is the impression that customers get about the brand throughout the Purchasing journey. Customer experience covers pre-experience, during-experience and post-experience phases. This whole process and the interaction of the customer with the company provides an experience to the customer. When the customer has a good experience with the company and the product, customer's loyalty to the brand increases. Companies develop marketing strategies and exert maximum effort in order to have a positive customer experience. When the customer has a bad experience, the company loses customers and the brand value of the company decreases.

Beneficial ways to improve customer experience;

1.take your employees opinion into account: Employees are the ones who will interact and communicate with customers. Employees have the oppurtunity to directly observe the expectations, moods and wishes of customers. That's why one of the key points to having happy customers is to have happy employees. There is no such thing as a happy customer in a company where managers ignore employees.

2.Use Artificial Intelligence and advanced technology for a better service: Artificial Intelligence(AI) carries a great importance for an improved customer experience. Chatboxes, AI systems that are available 24 hours a day, is in the first place. With this systems, the customer can complete the purchasing Process in a faster and more practical way and solve their problems. It is possible to provide more accessible service in different channels by utilizing the power of technology. Social media channels are popular these days. Customers can be reached through various marketing and advertising strategies. Personalized emails can be sent to customers.

3.Offer superior customer service: Remember,Customers set the rules not the companies. Customer oriented companies are more profitable than non customer oriented companies. The rules of Word of mouth applies. Positive experiences are shared with 4 or 5 people while Negative experiences are shared with 9-12 people. This will affect your company’s brand and quality perception.

4.Improve your customer experience services and train your employees: People prefer your services not just because you meet their needs, but also they know you can give supporting services to them whenever they need it. The customer who gets the service He/she deserves simply buys more. The way to improve customer service is through the qualified training of employees. It has been observed that high-performing companies provide better training to their employees and are more interested in personalized talents.

It is of crucial to imrpove the customer experience in order to create a positive brand perception, high quality perception, get high efficiency from customers and gain loyal customers.

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