When you visit the site, information may be placed on your computer. This information will be in cookie format or in such similar file that will help us in several ways. However, by following your preferences during your visits to our site, it is aimed that you have a better internet experience. For example, cookies will enable us to organize sites and advertisements according to your interests and preferences. In almost all internet browsers, there are options to delete cookies from your hard drive, prevent them from being written or receive a warning message before they are recorded. For more information on this matter, please refer to your browser's help files and usage information.

Information with regard to cookies contained in the Dogus Technology website is given in the tables below

Cookie Service Provider Name of Cookie Purpose of Cookie Type of Cookie Period of Cookie
Google _ga Used by Google Analytics to distinguish users from each other. Persistent Cookie 2 years
Google _gid Used by Google Analytics to distinguish users from each other. Persistent Cookie 24 hours
Google _gat Used by Google Analytics to limit analytics numbers. Persistent Cookie 1 minute
Dogus Technology ASP.Net_SessionId Used to track user session. Session Cookie During the period of Browser Session
Dogus Technology BlueStripe.PVN It is a cookie that is added by monitoring tool which is used by Dogus Technology application servers team. Session Cookie During the period of Browser Session